Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Reading gay romance...namely T A Chase books

About a year ago i bought an Ebook that was in the menage romance section. Now being a romance reader for over 20 years (i started early), what got my attention other than the fantastically written story and characters was the interaction between the 2 men in the story. Yes, they loved each other, both emotionally and physically. It was so beautiful and heart warming. Growing up in the South, the Bible belt, i have been surround by prejudice all my life. It has been a constant battle to stand up and let my voice be heard in opposition against the popular Southern Christian POV. It is one of the things that i HATED about living there. The narrow mindedness of the people when it comes to people that are different. It hurts my heart that alot of Southerners do not even see how their words are hurtful and judgemental. Living in California now is such a blessing in many a way, namely this one!
Growing up my Mother told me never to judge a person because i haven't walked in their shoes. i have lived my life with this kept firmly in mind. It has caused tension within my family, friends to say hateful things to me, and even the end of some friendships (my thought is that i was better off without them). So, that being said..... i am not gay, but how to see into the life that a gay man lives??? Why the written word, of course.
OK, OK, OK.... i am finally getting to my point. (Which is ??? your asking) An author by the name of T A Chase. First book i read by this author was Out of Bounds then the sequel High Line. Both of these books are romances but they also deal with the RL reactions of these public figures that come out as gay. With the first a professional basketball player and the second a race car driver, this author took a chance with his writing of these characters. i am a open minded person, but now i am a more aware open minded person. By stating this do not think that the romance in these books are sub-standard, you could not be more wrong if that is your thought.
i have read other book by T A Chase.... Angels Evolution was wonderful but different from anything else that he has written. Only draw back was the ending was setup for another book for other characters that were in the novel and i have yet to see it mentioned to be published. (hate, hate, hate when that happens) Great series is the For a Home.... at this date there are currently three books in this series. Whoopee!!
All this said, the thought that is prevalent in my mind is the lesson that my Mother taught my growing up that goes hand in hand with reading well written book. Remember, the objective for a good read is to entertain and expand your mind. Have experiences that you could never have in RL. i am walking in other peoples shoes, learning lesson that i never would have seen in RL, or at least not yet. (like to think i would have learned them anyway, just not this fast....or so i would like to think)